Perform a trademark search by text or image in brand data from multiple national and international sources, including trademarks , appellations of origin and official. Search trademark database. Apply for a trademark , respond to a letter from the USPTO, maintain your registration, and more throug. A date range may be used to refine your search by selecting available office actions (file advertise registered or inactivated). Monopoly on the trademark Registering secures your exclusive right to use your trademark to promote the goods and services covered by the registration.
For a more global search, you can use the Global Brand Database. To narrow down your , use smart search and the query expansion function or search within. China trademark database , China patent database and related services including registrations and dispute resolution, trademark assistant. An effective trade mark search should consider slight variations of your trade mark , including plurals, common misspellings and trade marks that sound or look very similar. Consider if you are searching too specifically, and try searching some variations.
All of our e-services are made to make it easier for our customers. Recherche par nom de marque. Find out the goods and services protected by your competitors’ trade marks. Receive updates on selected trade marks for: Change of status, change of name and end of opposition period. Enable Javascript for Better Performance.
Refresh Verification Code. TMsearch is a service tool that provides trademark search, watch and management in China. A trade mark is a sign which distinguishes the goods and services of one trader from those of another.
Database hvor du kan søke etter patenter patentsøknader patentregister varemerker varemerkeregister varemerkeregistreringer varemerkesøknader designregistreringer. Atenção: caso apareça uma mensagem de erro ao entrar nos sistemas, sugerimos que troque de navegador. A falha se deve a questões técnicas, mas não há risco.
Saturday August : Technical maintenance i-DEPOT. The Database contains a list of trademarks filed in Nigeria. Viewers can view as a list. Norwegian Industrial Property Office registers trademarks , designs and patents in Norway. Should I search for prior art before applying for a Patent?
Intellectual Property Office Home Page. Is there any database that I can use. The IPI is the Swiss authority for trade mark , patent and design protection and for questions on indications of source and copyright. Willkommen bei Swissreg Mit dieser Datenbank stellt Ihnen das Eidgenössische Institut für Geistiges Eigentum kostenlos Informationen aus dem Marken-, Patent- und.
Content: The database contains basic details of pending trademark applications and valid registrations in Finlan in total of some 170trademarks. There are several web pages for each intelectual property that. Expand Make sure the expanded list that system automatically identify and spilt the entered search term into types of sub-search term. Currently, there are item.
It identifies the services or goods of one person and distinguishes it from the goods and services of another. Vertrouwd resultaat voor Trademark Registry. Trademark DatabaseTrademarks and other intellectual property rights are recorded as separate fields. Check Visymo voor de beste resultaten! The loading of the missing data is finalized: the Patent database is now up to date.
This database contains only valid trademarks filed in the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic. You can search on-line for free Italian trademarks already filed and registered. Moroccan Office of Industrial and Commercial Property. A Trade Mark is a sign which serves to distinguish the goods of an industrial or a commercial enterprise or a group of such enterprises.
The sign may consist of one or more distinctive works, letters, numbers, drawings or pictures, monograms, signatures,.
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